Wednesday, 21 March 2018

UNIT 5: Young and old.


Elderly: anciano.
Retire: jubilarse.
Toddler: niño pequeño.
Feel worried: sentirse preocupado.
Hve a lie-in: levantarse tarde / quedarse en la cama.
Share a room (with): compartir habitación (con).
Sunbathe: tomar el sol.

Easily: in an easy manner.
Eventually: finally.
Fluently: able to speak or write smoothly easily, or readily.
Fortunately: having good fortune.
Properly: correctly or satisfactorily.

Exam: (5,7)

Vocabulary: 👍👍 (8/10)
Grammar: 👍 (11/20)
Translation: 👎👎 (2/10)
Reading: 👎 (4/10)
Writing: 👍👍 (8/10)
Listening: 👍 (7/10)
Speaking: 👍👍 (8)


Blog / Charles Dickens / Shakespeare.


- QUIZ: live well, be happy.
- Britain's got talent.
- Surprises from Young and old.

I need to work in..:

- Reading.
- Translation.
- Grammar.

My best is:

My best in this unit was the VOCABULARY, WRITING and SPEAKING.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Shakespeare Proyect


His full name is William Shakespeare. Shakespeare or the bard of avon, was a English writer (poet) and actor. He was born in Standford-upon-Avon the 26th 1564, and he died the 23th 1616 in the same place. 

Pavana is a renaissance profesional dance (common in Europe, it was in the 16th Century). It was given in Italy, in England and in France.

John Dowland

When I listen this music I feel relaxed because it isn’t very fast. I love this type of music because is slowly and it make me calm.

Matthew Locke

When I listen this music I feel happy and energetic, because it is fast and there are a lot of instruments. It’s faster than the other song (John Dowland).

Monday, 19 March 2018

UNIT 3 AND 4: people and planet // making it happen.


- Chest: pecho
- Skin: piel
- Grow: crecer
- Pollution: contaminación
- Run out: quedarse sin

Fit: in good physical condition; in good health.
Healthy: having or enjoying good health.
ill: sick.
Strong: having, showing, or involving great power in the body or muscles.
Unfit: opposite of fit.
Weak: opposite of strong.

Exam: (4)

- Vocabulary: 👍👍 (10/15)
- Grammar: 👎 (9/25)
- Translation: 👎👎 (1,5/10)
- Reading: 👎 (4/10)
- Writing: 👎 (4/10)
- Listening: 👎 (4/10)
- Speaking: 👍👍 (8/10)


Blog / Verses of Scaborough Fair.


- Insects and algae.
- Tomorrow's scientists.
- Fun and games.
- A lucky find.
- Ultimate mud run.
- Keeping alive old tradition.

I need to work in..:

- Listening
- Translation
- Reading 
- Some gramar 

My best is:

My best in this unit was the VOCABULARY.